Montgomery County, MD

Photo Courtesy of Kathy Mihm


The Monocacy River Natural Resources Management Area is comprised of 1,800 acres of natural areas and farmlands along the Monacacy River, just inside Frederick County.

Several miles of marked trails course through woodlands, creeks, and also to a historic lime kiln. The park is an active hunting area so knowledge of the Maryland's hunting season regulations and dates is strongly recommended.

The trails are used primarily for hiking but mountain biking is also permitted. The lightly used trails are best during the dry season as the trails can be inundated and creek crossings can be challenging after periods of heavy rains.

This is an active resource management area, it is frequented by hunters during Maryland's various hunting seasons. Please be aware of the potential for hunters in the area. Riding in this area is not recommended during the peak deer hunting season (just after Thanksgiving). Check the hunting regulations for Frederick and Montgomery Counties for more information.



Donations made directly through this page go directly to the selected trails system and help MORE and its trail liaisons purchase materials, tools and hire the expertise necessary to help us maintain and sustain world class trails in the Washington DC Metropolitan region.

$10 Minimum Donation. Please change the quantity to increase your donation.

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* When donating to a specific trail system MORE will endeavor to use your donation as it was designated, but under extenuating circumstances may assign the funds to other trails/projects in consultation with the appropriate trail liaison or project leader in such cases as, including but not limited to, the closure of the park, failure of the project to move forward, completion of the project under budget, extended periods of inactivity and/or other factors limiting the ability to apply the funds to the original intended designation.

The Monocacy Natural Resource Area Trails are suitable for riders of all abilities but include sections more suitable for intermediate riders. MORE subscribes to IMBA's trail difficulty ratings

The Monocacy Natural Resources Area is a brand new trail in MORE's inventory. Stay tuned for upcoming workdays so that you can help shape these park's trails.

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