Dale City, VA

Photo Courtesy of Jason Williams


Andrew Leitch Park is a small 220 acre county park with diverse woodland terrain situated in middle-eastern Prince William County near Dale City. There are approximately 4 miles of crushed gravel double wide trail and approximately 1 mile of single track which is perfect for family and novice beginner hiking and trail cycling outings. Andrew Leitch also hosts other amenities such as baseball/softball fields, a soccer field, a basketball court, a large playground and 6 pavilions

Andrew Leitch is co-located with the Prince William County Parks and Recreation Waterworks Waterpark and serves as the northwest trail head to the Neabsco Greenway.

FUTURE PLANS: Andrew Leitch will provids a waypoint county park destination between the Occoquan Greenway and the Neabsco Greenway. The Occoquan Greenway western trail head is nearby co-located at the PW County Center, Potomac Nationals Stadium, and NOVA BMX Track. Andrew Leitch serves as a northwestern trail head for the Neabsco Greenway. The Neabsco Greenway will lead to the Potomac Heritage Trail with the southern portion trail head co-located at the Neabsco Boardwalk/Potomac Heritage Trail System and Leesylvania State Park. Andrew Leitch will provide connectivity to other nearby popular parks and trails, including Cloverdale Park, Saratoga Hunt Park, Greenwood Farms Park, Sharon Baucom Recreational Center, Birchdale Park and Recreation Center, and Turley Fields. Once completed, The Neabsco and Occoquan Greenway will provide over 15 miles of interconnecting trail that will be just south of Lorton, the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail and Laurel Hills MTB Trails.




Donations made directly through this page go directly to the selected trails system and help MORE and its trail liaisons purchase materials, tools and hire the expertise necessary to help us maintain and sustain world class trails in the Washington DC Metropolitan region.

$10 Minimum Donation. Please change the quantity to increase your donation.

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* When donating to a specific trail system MORE will endeavor to use your donation as it was designated, but under extenuating circumstances may assign the funds to other trails/projects in consultation with the appropriate trail liaison or project leader in such cases as, including but not limited to, the closure of the park, failure of the project to move forward, completion of the project under budget, extended periods of inactivity and/or other factors limiting the ability to apply the funds to the original intended designation.

With PW DPRT’s approval, MORE will assist with restoration and maintenance of existing single and double track. Funding will provide necessary materials for design, material and supplies, and if needed for the necessary consultation expertise to restore and maintain the desired trail system.

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Customer Reviews
based on 3 reviews
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Great Local Trail
Written by Martin on 11/29/2024

AL Park is a great addition to the local trail inventory. Close to home, easy to get to by bike and well crafted singletrack trails to enjoy. Lots of other users around, so use caution.

Andrew Leitch Trail
Written by Ed D. on 9/11/2024

Wonderful trail for walking the dog, obviously well-maintained. Deer are present. Walk at least once a day. Thank you to those that maintain the property.

Fun little park. More trails, please!
Written by Rich W. on 8/16/2021

I ride Andrew Leitch, with my son, several times a week. Been riding here for years. Hidden Gem is a great, little singletrack loop. This park has lots of potential. The terrain is there.