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New MORE Logo Design Contest

Since we are celebrating our 25th anniversary we thought it would be fun to dig through our archives and share some of the articles and news we published on MORE’s first printed newsletter, “Trailhead.” Over the next few weeks we’ll “Throw back Thursday” and share some of these with you.

The item below actually appeared in MORE’s printed Flyer “MORE Than Enough.” Unfortunately we don’t have an exact date, but we know it was around mid 1994 since MORE adopted it’s first logo around the end of 1994. Regardless of date, we hope you enjoy the submissions sent in by our “artsy” members to give MORE its first visual identity. Enjoy!

New MORE Logo Design Contest

Well, we don’t know what you’ll win, besides all our admiration, but we’d like to invite our arty members to come up with a new MORE logo that we can put on stickers for sale, or bumper stickers, or next year’s T-shirts, or Ted’s car for that matter!

Please use your imagination, and try to create designs that we can do in one color if necessary