Loch Raven: It’s Really Happening!
I know a ton of folks out there in MOREland and beyond have been following our work at Loch Raven for a while now. I also bet a lot of you out there were wondering if our last big announcement really was a bad April Fool’s joke… but I’m here to let you know that it’s really happening!
Rest assured, MORE’s new liaison, Jim Bole, and the rest of the LR team have had had their noses to the grindstone and are doing great work. We’ve been quiet on the Loch Raven front in recent months because we’re still been working with the city to nail down the last property owner agreements we need to commence trailwork on the purple trail, before we can get down to business, but we do have one big announcement:

Flanked by representatives from Bike Maryland, MORE, GVC, BikeMORE, and the City of Baltimore, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake shows off REI’s generous grant! Photo credit James Corbett – epiclifeimages.com
REI has made a generous, $16,000 grant to MORE to kick off Project Loch Raven! We’ll be putting the money right back into the trails, using it for tool, materials, workdays, maps, signage and environmental education materials for all trail users. This is a huge help to our efforts at the reservoir, so the next time you stop by your local REI, please say thanks for all of us!
While our volunteers and staff continue to work on our partnership with the private landowners to open the singletrack, we will be helping our friends at Gunpowder Valley Conservancy lead a workday August 8th on the Orange Trail off Warren Road, helping them repair water damage and bring the woods road back to sustainable spec after the harsh winter and spring.
We know its not singletrack, but we hope to see a lot of you out there at our first official workday under the new agreement. So check the MORE calendar for the details in the coming days and grab a friend. We’ll see you at the gathering of the tribe next month!