Club Countdown
Since we are celebrating our 25th anniversary we thought it would be fun to dig through our archives and share some of the articles and news we published on MORE’s first printed newsletter, “Trailhead.” Over the next few weeks we’ll “Throw back Thursday” and share some of these with you. The “Club Countdown” below appeared in the January 1996 Issue. Love the list – although we do have some issues with the “Post-Ride Taco Bell Rush…”Back then there weren’t that many quality local breweries…
If you are not a member, or are in need of renewing, perhaps the list below will nudge you in the right direction – although a lot has changed since 1996, much remains the same, and the camraderie, characters, and local knowledge MORE offers, remains constant…
by Kieran Shea
Though it may not merit a press conference, this Spring will be my first anniversary as a member of MORE—a decision I do not regret in the slightest. For those who are new to the MORE experience, I want to share what I see as the top ten benefits (above and beyond the sweet shop discounts.) Go on enough rides and, in a short span of time, your list will probably look a lot like mine.

Andy’s Urban Assault rides were legendary. Here’s a pic of Andy and Martin riding the Crystal City skywalks on the way to the Pentagon. This photo, along with several others, appeared in the June 1998 Issue of Mountain Bike Magazine.
10) Urban Assaults: If you haven’t taken the plunge on one of Andy C’s nocturnal urban assaults (more aptly titled ‘social reality rides’ or ‘rat patrols’) do yourself a favor. Buy a light system and go.
9) Free apprentice counsel from the type of people who say “Been there…let me show you:” Encouragement begets motivation begets learning begets mountain bike skill.
8) Exploratory (“Discovery”) Rides: Those gaps in the trees sighted on a MORE ride where someone says, “Hey…wonder where this leads to?” Sometimes a grand hike-a-bike detour. Sometimes an unruly slice of single-track that leaves you breathless.
7) Caravanning: There is immense joy in watching a river of bike racks flow down the open highway. Revel in the envy of passing motorists and hapless pedestrians.
6) Technical Advice/Help: This was the first reason why I checked out MORE—a member helped me change a flat after my tire levers snapped in the cold at Wakefield Park.
5) Running with the Pack (see Caravanning): At heart, aren’t we all dogs? And by God, when are dogs the happiest? When they’re running with the pack, of course.
4) Trail Maintenance: There is profound dignity in advancing the sport, serving as a public relations soldier, and in a job well done. Pass the waterbar, please.
3) Being Part of a Famished, Post-Ride Taco Bell Rush: Enough said.
2) Congeniality: You may not remember everyone’s name, but ironically there’s an odd kinship with strangers on MORE rides. Young or not so young, advanced or novice, the great equalizer is a keen interest in the sport.
And finally,
1) Stories and Characters: Oh the tales of the trail we tell—and those who tell them.
Sounds like a compelling argument to renew! –Ed.