Rivers Edge Bidders Package
MORE has been issued necessary permits from the City of Brunswick and MDE to construct multiuse natural surface trails at River’s Edge Trails, in Brunswick, Maryland (the Project Area). This IFB seeks bids for machine bench cutting and sculpting of approximately 1.5 miles of natural surface trail for which a 4 foot wide corridor has been flagged and will be pre-cleared by MORE volunteers prior to contract starting. The 1.5 miles that are the subject of this IFB will require bench cutting or other machine work See map Attachment A for approximate location of trail to be built. Mini-excavator and any other necessary equipment will be supplied by the vendor. Contractor will furnish all labor, tools, transportation, supplies, items required for safe operations, and supervision to complete, in a substantial and workmanlike manner, to the satisfaction of the owner and/or its representative, the work described in the bidders package.
Bids must be submitted electronically (president@more-mtb.org) no later than 5PM Monday, January 2, 2023
Rivers Edge IFB Addendum, December 22, 2022