Springfield, VA

Photo Courtesy of Julie Childers,


Brookfield Park is a small community park serving the diverse population of the John R. Lewis high school pyramid. In 2018, TrailsforYouth.Org (TYO), in partnership with the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) and with support from civic and other organizations, including MORE, built a small bicycle pump track to be enjoyed by riders of all ages. The pump track continues to see heavy use and enjoyment. The surrounding community has requested additional biking opportunities at Brookfield Park and TYO is in discussions and coordination with the Park Authority, Community organizations, and with support from MORE plans to increase biking opportunities at Brookfield Park in 2021.



Donations made directly through this page go directly to the selected trails system and help MORE and its trail liaisons purchase materials, tools and hire the expertise necessary to help us maintain and sustain world class trails in the Washington DC Metropolitan region.

$10 Minimum Donation. Please change the quantity to increase your donation.

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* When donating to a specific trail system MORE will endeavor to use your donation as it was designated, but under extenuating circumstances may assign the funds to other trails/projects in consultation with the appropriate trail liaison or project leader in such cases as, including but not limited to, the closure of the park, failure of the project to move forward, completion of the project under budget, extended periods of inactivity and/or other factors limiting the ability to apply the funds to the original intended designation.

Brookfield Park is a short ride from Wakefiled and Accotink Parks and is suitable for riders of all abilities. MORE subscribes to IMBA's trail difficulty ratings

To volunteer, at Brookfield Park please contact the MORE Trail liaison Patrick Childers,

Kilroys Restaurant & Sports Bar

Ravensworth Shopping Center
5250-A Port Royal Rd.
Springfield, VA, 22151

Bicycle Pro Shop

Ravensworth Shopping Center
5230 Port Royal Rd.
Springfield, VA, 22151
(571) 297-4227

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Brookfield Pump Track

  • Sale
  • Regular price $10.00

We're working to finish the Brookfield page on the new MORE website. Please consider making a donation to help us maintain and sustain the trails at this regional destination.

If you have any questions about this trail system please contact MORE's Brookfield trail liaison.

$10 Minimum Donation. Please change the quantity to increase your donation.