Liaison Tech Brief: March 2019 - Tool Sharpening
At the Liaison Luncheon (It’s French and pronounced Lunch – EEEE – On), Klasmeir nominated me to be the first to put out a tech E-Mail that would spur further conversation between liaisons and to help share information between liaisons who may or may not have experience with topics discussed.
So – This first Tech-Mail will be on tool sharpening. I know the first time I ever sharpened trail tools I was a hack and I did things VERY wrong. After my Google search, I realize I’m still a hack but not doing “as many” things wrong (But I have room for improvement).
Before I inundate everyone with a string of links, the big take a ways should be:
- Tools need to be properly cared for, cleaned and sharpened to maintain a good and usable life (DUH!)
- Do NOT sharpen tool edges made to dig in the dirt to razor sharp edges. One swing in the dirt and that edge will be gone
- Most tools edges (Not All) made to grub (Dig in the dirt) only have edges on one side. Do Not put edges on both sides thinking it will work better
- Always wear Personal Protection Gear (PPG) when sharpening tools
The best, but not necessarily the most up-to-date, document that I found can be found here:
Not as detailed but still good (and also attached) is this document:
If you have time, there is a Pod Cast on Mountain Bike Radio (It’s a THING!!) on Tool Sharpening. It’s not bad, but have a cup coffee and some time on your hands:
And if you are completely BORED, check out this YOUTUBE video of this guy restoring a Pulaski. Wicked COOL, but not necessarily what we need to do for every tool and you will lose 9 minutes and 32 seconds of your life.
PS: My Google Search: