From The Board, Minutes, MORE News -

October MORE Board Meeting

October MORE Board Meeting

October 15, 2018

By Phone – on the call:
Ernest Rodriguez
Bob Caverly
Tom Howe
Dave Magill
Jeff Niner
Steve Dontigny

MoCo Readout – Steve DonTigny

734 registered for our MoCo Epic this year down 84 from 2017
Kids represented our larges increase in category with 16 additional riders in 2018
82 day-of registration this year as the weather cooperated for a beautiful weekend
We did comps some of our key trail liaison leaders this year who would not have otherwise
895 total registration for MoCo Epic734 riders (30 no shows)
We did spent more on trucks, water, beer, dumpster this year
We will work to off-loading some of the logistics for aid stations and mobilizing by cricket fields
by Schaeffer next year
Porta-johns were delivered outside of park hours and at the entrance to the park, luckily
volunteers were able to move the port-a-johns to a useful spot.Course was in good shape except
for the usual wet spots
Aid stations were well stocked and equipped; we did get calls for a few resupplies, SAG some
riders and a few minor medical issuesAll in all, a success
Competition against several eventsThe general mood at the event was happy participants
Preliminary P&L will take a few weeks to compile and should be ready by the end of the month.
Financials will be presented at our next board meeting
Maybe be able to capture more of the MICL crowd with a Saturday event to try to draw that
segment of riders of the event

Trailhead News
9/11 Trailhead News was well received
Time to send the next one

Treasurer Report – Ernie Rodriguez

Neil Blake has signed on to help us temporarily with the books; is considering treasurer position.
Working on this w/ Aaron and Neil to meet 11/15 tax filing deadline
Ernie will provide an update to the board by 10/23/2018 on status of tax filing

Motion: Bob C: moves that board approves Ernie to commit funds if necessary to pay for a
professional accountant to review our books and tax filing by the 11/15 filing deadline
Opposed: NoneIn Favor: AllMotion passed: unanimously ; 6-0


Jennifer Everhard may be a candidate for Membership DirectorSharon Maloid may be a
candidate for Activities Director
Board members should continue recruiting for candidate for vacant positions; MD Advocacy
Director, VA Advocacy Director, Activities Director, Membership Director, Treasurer.
Need to firm up election timelines with candidates by mid-November: Membership, Activities,
NoVA Advocacy, MD Advocacy, Treasurer
Need to recruit someone to run our 2019 electionsSuggested timeline for elections:
Nominations November 1 – December 7; Elections December 8 – 14; Results December 15;
Transition meeting January 12
Dave: do we need pay / hire a professional accountant moving forward?Discussion included the
option to have the treasurer decide strategy in moving forward with our books.
Ernie: I usually work with the treasurer to make the call. We’ve paid for the past three years.
Discussion about circulating the treasurer job description for amendment to outsource some
Bob: Do we pay for an audit / review on annual basis?
Ernie: Yes, we do a review
Dave: Gold standard is what ever CFC requires
MD Advocacy still recruiting, doesn't have someone in-line to take over
Good lead for Virginia Advocacy Director

MICL Update – Bob Caverly

MORE is a sponsor and well worth the price, our next generation of riders will have participated
in MICL.
2 races in resounding success lots of smiles168 at Fair Hill185 at Rosaryville
Schaeffer this Sunday – Race course is white loop
River’s Edge (Brunswick) 11/4
Director of the SoCal NICA league representative was there at RV and commented on how well
run MICL events are in its opening year comparing to other leagues across the country
Steve D: At RV on Sunday – Lots of kids; lots of teams; met with parents; opportunities for trail
work and maintenance volunteers

IBMA Update – Ernest Rodriguez

IMBA’s Dirty Thirty, 30 year anniversary will be in Bentonville AR October 26 – 28. MORE is
considering offering a small stipend to Steve DonTigny to attend if it fits within his travel and
work schedule. Steve was not able to attend due to time commitments.
MORE will be the host club for the IMBA November board meeting in the DC area. We are
working closely with MoCo’s Casey Anderson to showcase MoCo Trails. Casey Anderson is
working with Ernie to provide meeting space in Montgomery County. MORE and Montgomery
County will be invited guest at the board meeting.
MORE will bear no financial obligations to host and will attempt to involve MORE members and
leaders to come out ride and meet the IMBA board of directors.MORE will plan to organize
riding local trails with visiting board members and guest with emphasis on meeting local
members and riders.

Fundraising is possible with all proceeds benefiting local trailsNo expectations other than to
meet, greet, ride and showcase a high functioning MTBing community.
End of Year Donation Drive
Speak from the same sheet of music: Never too late to get your donations in support of trails for
General funds vs restricted funds (mechanisms is already set up on the website to support the
restricted funds)
Support new trail builds to direct restricted funds (Patuxent, Fair Hill, Bacon Ridge) <– Include in
next Trailhead news

Membership Drop-off

Need to reach out to our friends / teammates / liaisons / ride leaders / ride participants
Lack of membership events due to weather has impacted our membership renewals. We need
to ask members to renew and reach out to the riding community to join MORE.

Fund Raising

Jeff with Dominion Energy
Steve D and Ernie applied for funding with Outdoor Foundation for 2019 in support of BROT

VA Advocacy – Jeff:

Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) has officially approved Mountain Bike Trails at Mt. Vernon
Next step for Mt. Vernon Park is to apply for a Mastenbook Grant from FCPA
*** Activities (on behalf of Carlos)

Need to get on Winter Membership Meeting planning – follow-up with Carlos
Discuss with Carlos about maybe making something more adult friendly
Key volunteers have suggested a MD and a VA meeting

*** NoVA Spring Fling Tom Howe
Planning is underway for 2019 Spring Fling

*** Planning for January Retreat / Transition Meeting
Tentative dates for MORE’s transition meeting are January 1/11 – 1/13
Bob will take an action item to confirm with Jonathan

MD Advocacy Report – Dave Magill

Phase 3 at Bacon Ridge is underway
– 100 volunteers at 1st workday- Land Trust Organization in Anne Arundel County –
Archaeological Review approval was required- Steve Harper is working with Mike
Prince George County is the area we are missing

Request to have the board examine our relationship
MORE board of directors will strategize to seek key leader and member input. Discussion
centered around Town Hall meetings by region.

Dave: Two elements; Advocacy and Membership
Advocacy – pros and cons of affiliation with IMBADoes MORE have resources to go it
alone or does affiliation with IMBA benefit MOREMembership – Services we get are
membership fulfillment, management, back-office support, tracking and payroll services
for Steve D. (MORE’s executive director)- $12 to 15 for back-office operations and
membership fulfillment (membership services)
– Steve D is an employee of IMBA and MORE pays his salary and administrative fee for payroll
MORE benefits from fundraising drives for membership and matching funds for IMBA’s Dig-In
Board is responsible for and will need to do significant analysis of what staying with IMBA as a
Chapter vs separating from IMBA
Dave is willing to chair a committee and thinks Ernie should be involved. The board agreed we
should complete an analysis of alternatives including cost and benefits of remaining a chapter of

Ernie: We should have a regional meetings to listen and hear concerns: Need to listen to Eric,
Mike, Todd, Joe, etc. who represent mountain bike community strongholds.
Dave: Recommend exploring providers and obtaining quotes for membership and payroll
We agree, the primary question may be, “who is going to step up to do the work” if we step
away from IMBA back-office support?
Dave will chair an AOA Committee with Bob, Tom and Ernie
Set an interim date for us to report back to the board

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