Board meeting, from the board, Minutes -

November 2016 Board Meeting Minutes + Activity Reports

MORE Board of Directors Meeting: November 14, 2016

Location: REI Tyson’s Corner, VA

Time: 7PM-9PM

Board Members Present:

  1. Ernie Rodriguez—President
  2. Rob Lowe—Vice President
  3. Greg Dwyer—Operations Director
  4. Russ Adams—Activities Director
  5. Jason Miller—Member Director
  6. Aaron Richter—Treasurer
  7. Dave Magill—Trails Director

MORE Staff Present:

  1. Steve Don-Tigney (Executive Director)
  2. Jonah Meyers (Assistant Treasurer)
  3. Jonathon Kidwell (Trail Boss)

Item #1: IMBA World Summit Report (Ernie Rodriguez)

Overall an excellent meeting in Bentonville, Arkansas. Ernie represented MORE and gave a presentation (along with Anthony Duncan, IMBA Atlantic Regional Director) to attendees on utilizing volunteers to build and maintain trails. 119 IMBA members were nominated for the Scot Scudamore National Volunteer award. Nine nominees were from MORE. Elaine Hess, MORE member and Family Ride coordinator, received the award on behalf of MORE which also meant MORE received a $4K grant from IMBA. IMBA provided the criteria for the award, and MORE had no input in the selection process. IMBA will distribute a press release on the meeting very soon. Trails in the Bentonville area were excellent. Prospects for additional grants for MORE’s Fort DuPont project were promising after discussions with donors and IMBA staff. MORE received kudos for its sMOREs program.


Item #2: Membership Discussion (Ernie Rodriguez)

1499 current members (*the 1500th member signed up during the board meeting). MoCo Epic and Patapsco Trails Festival helped increase MORE membership.

Item #3 Trails Update:

MD Trails (Dave Magill): A great year for Maryland Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grants—over $200K of funding coming from these grants in 2016 to MORE and other organizations that improve multiuse natural surface trails.

For example, there will be funds for a permanent privy at Schaeffer (see details for all RTP Grants in Dave’s monthly activities report). The trail organizations throughout our area have been hugely successful in getting these grants, i.e. grants that fund maintenance and design activities versus new build activities. Bacon Ridge Phase Two of 4.5 miles has been approved and construction is proceeding very well, led by Mike Klasmeier. Patuxent: design money is available for permits. No new updates regarding Loch Raven.

VA Trails (Ernie Rodriguez): Lake Fairfax park: Frank Raiti continuing work on the pump track. Mt. Vernon: work there remains entirely volunteer based. Waiting on decision from Mastenbrook for $10K to defray some costs. Fountainhead: nothing to report. BROT: nothing to report. Wakefield: great workday recently held. Question from the Board: What happened to our trails work at Occoquan? Ernie: MORE was removed from the project due to security concerns by local & state authorities/agencies who focus on lake access.

DC Trails (Steve Don-Tigney): DC trail workday @ Fort DuPont Park recently held. Met w/the community organizer for Fort DuPont (Julie ). Washington Area Bicyclists Association (WABA) remains supportive of MORE’s efforts to build trails. There will be a new park superintendent at Fort DuPont. People for Bikes are involved. Update: Turkey Run Park (located off of George Washington Parkway in VA, parallel to the Potomac River)– the new superintendent wants to explore mountain bike trails in the park (it is under control of the National Park Service). This is an excellent opportunity for MORE.

Item #4: Board Composition (Dave Magill)

The Board reviewed Dave’s written proposal to create respective MD and VA Advocacy Board positions. The Trails Committee would be a co-chair. Vote: Approve creating two advocacy board positions (one for MD one for VA). Passed unanimously by the Board.

Item #5: Budget and 2015 Tax Returns (Aaron Richter)

Tax returns for 2015 were submitted for Board review. Ernie and Aaron signed the 2015 MORE tax returns. Lake Fairfax pump track is $3K overspent. Credit card expenditures, receipts, and entries are becoming an issue, specifically, submission of receipts in a timely manner by members is an issue in certain cases. There was discussion of updating MORE’s policy regarding the use of the MORE credit cards by volunteers. Action: MORE’s credit card policy to be reviewed by the Board and discussed during the December meeting.

Item #6: Winter Membership Meeting (Russ Adams/Jason Miller)

Will be held in February 2017. Potluck theme, beer donated by New Belgium. Tom Newton has leftover beer from MOCO epic and Russ will inquire. Awards: how can we recognize volunteers for their 2016 work? In the past, MORE has recognized trail liaison of the year, most hours volunteered, most active volunteer, etc. Action: Jason Miller to send the Board the past “Silver Spoke” award categories and Board will provide ideas before the December Board meeting. Discussion regarding a video. Action: The winter meeting committee will work on details such as a PA system/speakers, swag, free bike for volunteers?, recognition for superior volunteer achievements, and other activities.

Item #7: 25th Anniversary Gala (Jason Miller):

Envision this to be a fundraiser and not a big expense for MORE. Still working on the 25th anniversary logo and will send ideas to the Board.   The Winter Meeting will be the rollout of the “25 for 25” theme. Time-lapse videos of past vids combined with current vids.

Item #8: 2017 Budget (All)

Dave Magill proposed that 2017 budget should be approved during the December 2016 Board meeting. All Board members present agreed.

Item #9: Outside support for MORE Trail Building Activities (Jonathon Kidwell)

Jonathon discussed a recent conversation with Mr. Robb Hampton from Student Conservation Association (SCA) regarding additional support to MORE trail building and maintenance activities. Specifically, SCA can provide individual interns, groups of students, or highly skilled groups to support MORE’s ongoing trail building efforts. Unfortunately, the SCA charges for its services and is quite expensive. Board appreciated the presentation and decided not to pursue the issue due to cost.


Ernie Rodriguez:

Membership processing for Patapsco Trails Festival and MoCo Epic

Outreach and support to Frederick Watershed team and Loch Raven team

IMBA World Summit – Bentonville AR

Present – Maximizing the Volunteer Experience

Chapter Congress work session


Steve Don-Tigney:

MD Parks Mobile Bikeshare proposal plan meeting

Loch Raven meeting in Towson

Membership processing for Patapsco Trails Festival and MoCo Epic

Capital Trails Coalition- Announcement Ceremony US Merchant Marine Memorial

Potomac Heritage Trail Association Board Meeting

People for Bikes Draft Night

IMBA Staff meeting with Mary Spalding-CiVi orientation

Capital Trails Coalition- Oct. Meeting

Lake Accotink Park Master Plan Revision-community/user group input

Fort Dupont Workday-tools delivery/return, 4hrs trail work

Envision Loudoun-community input session

REI NoMa Store Opening event

Nonprofit Village “Making a Difference” Award Nomination of MORE


Rob Lowe:

No input received


Dave Magill:

Attended Loch Raven meeting in Towson

Prepared procurement documents for approval by MD SHA for Patuxent

Developed possible structure for a financial summary report

Pepco trail design committee meetings and calls

Worked with SHA on Cosca grants and procurement


The FY2017 grants for Central Maryland multiuse natural surface trails are:

  • MORE – Rivers Edge Trails, Brunswick MD – $30,000
  • MORE – Frederick Watershed Trails – $30,000
  • TC – Cosca Regional Park South Loop – $36,000
  • FPVSP – Patapsco seasonal trail builders – $30,000
  • Emmitsburg – feasibility study for 15 miles of trail – $10,000
  • DNR – Patapsco trail crew and crew leads  – $59,500
  • DNR – Schaeffer Farm trailhead privy  – $30,000
  • DNR – Gambrill park northern trailhead  – $12,000


Aaron Richter:

Volunteered at MOCO Epic

Drafted and mailed checks

prepared financials

review and worked on taxes and books


Greg Dwyer:

Nothing to report—was away for the month of October


Jason Miller

Drafted and distributed October Trailhead News.

Will be working with Cathy Riedel on Trailwork signage


Russ Adams:

Led one ride.

Worked on preparations for Winter 2017 Members Meeting.


Jonathon Kidwell:

Updated website with trail work days

Began year end follow up on trail work waivers and hours

Spoke with Robb Hampton of SCA

Processed workday reimbursements


Jonah Meyers:

Community sponsor donor solicitation

RTP Patuxent grants procurement work


Brad Hawk:

Continued working on a new tracking format for ride leader waivers.

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